Removing Acne and Pimple Remedies
Women are very sensitive about beautifying their facial skin and they want their face to be free from spots and pimples, but nowadays due to eating junk foods and fast foods, etc., small pimples appear on the face. and when these pimples are gone, they gradually leave marks on the skin, which look very ugly. The market is full of different types of products to get rid of these blemishes caused by acne and the chemicals in these products temporarily make the face clear and fair.
But after a few days of use, it makes the face dull. The skin becomes completely damaged and more pimples and scars appear. Today I have brought you a mask to completely remove acne scars. Which you can prepare at home. By using it for a few days, the marks on the skin of the face will disappear, God willing. Here's how to make a homemade natural face mask to get rid of freckles.
Turmeric: One-quarter teaspoon
Honey (pure): half teaspoon
Grapefruit: Mash 2 to 3 grapes and extract their juice
Composition and method of use
Mix turmeric and honey in a bowl. Then put the grapes in it and mash with a spoon or finger and take out the skins of the grapes. Mix these three well with the help of a spoon. After washing the face with a good cleanser, dry it well with a soft cloth. Now apply this mixture on the face with the help of a cotton or a makeup brush and leave for 30 minutes. Let it be. After half an hour, wash your face with warm water. Using this mixture will open the pores of your facial skin.
Therefore, after washing your face with lukewarm water, wash your face with cold fresh water as well. This will restore the pores on your face to their normal state. Apply two to three days a week for good results and the scars on your face will disappear in two weeks. Get rid of blemishes and scars.
Due to the positive effects of honey, grapes, and turmeric on the skin, they have been found to be extremely useful for acne scars. Let me tell you about some of the features of all of them.
Turmeric is an ingredient with antioxidant properties. Which removes the blemishes on the face, brightens the complexion, and removes the blackness of the skin due to the sun. Turmeric makes the skin soft and smooth. Helps to eliminate wrinkles and dark spots. Turmeric has been used for centuries to enhance the beauty of brides.
Grapefruit juice is very effective in removing acne scars and prevents new ones from forming. Grapes contain calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, C, and flavonoid compounds which are very useful for the skin. Keeps skin smooth and prevents wrinkles. Reduces the effects of aging.
Honey has been described by Allah as a cure for humans in the Qur'an. It is possible to cure many physical and acute diseases with honey. Honey plays an important role in maintaining the beauty of the skin. Being anti-bacterial, it eliminates the bacteria on the skin. Makes the skin soft and supple. Brightens the skin and eliminates acne problems.
The mixture of all these ingredients has all the properties, which are enough to remove acne scars on the face. After a few days of using it, inshallah, the spots will disappear.