20 Best Makeup Tips for Women
1. Take care of your skin
Because your skin is healthy, you need as little makeup as possible. And the secret to good skin care is very simple.
. Always take off your makeup before going to bed
It's nice to wake up with a fresh face and, of course, make-up, instead of a face covered with holes all over your pillows!
. Protect your skin from the sun
The risk of discoloration, sunburn and blemishes increases with age. So, apply sunscreen whenever you go out in the sun. Cover your face, neck, hands and other exposed areas with sunscreen. Wear sunglasses and hats.
2. Prepare your skin: hide and moisturize
Preparing your skin with a moisturizer and concealer is the first step in applying makeup for people in their 50s. Never skip this step as moisturizers and concealers dig into your skin making your fine lines look less. Always read labels and get a moisturizer that contains hyaluronic acid.
3. Select the right foundation: Go to Dewey Luck
This is important. You can't use the same foundation you used in your 30s. Highlight the foundation. Instead, opt for a more colorful look. It is best to use CC cream as it covers the imperfections of the skin by mistake, improves the texture of your skin, and hides the pores. In addition, it gives your face a moisturizing finish, which makes your skin look younger and fresher.
4. Say 'no' to the powder
Too much facial powder can make your skin cake and your wrinkles more noticeable. You can also use a little bit on your eyelids to wash off the shine and on your eyelids to prevent your eyeliner from creasing. Otherwise, applying facial powder is a tough number.
In fact, it is better to resort to creamy formulas as your skin dries out with age. Powders only work well on oily and combination skin types. Whether it's foundation, blush, or any other make-up item for your face, choose cream-based formulas.
5. Fill your lips
With age, you will notice that your lips are getting thinner. There is nothing better than a lip vaccine to make them bold. Add a pressure of lip gloss to your lipstick for this flexible look.
6. Kiss the super dark lipsticks
Super dark lipsticks don't look flattering at your age. Unless you have a darker complexion, it's best to avoid super dark lipsticks. Always choose a shade that is only a little darker than your natural skin color. Avoid brown and berry shades and use pink and pink instead.
7. Color gestures on your cheeks
Just a light pop on the apples on your cheeks can instantly brighten your face. Liquid or cream blush is the best option for your aging skin. Choose something that has no shine or luster as it settles in your wrinkles and lines. Just apply a little and mix well. It should not be obvious that you are wearing embarrassing clothes.
8. Work on your eye makeup
With age, the shape of your eyes changes. When you get eyes, applying eye makeup for more than 50 beauties is a real challenge. Avoid both bright and dark eyes. Bright eye shadows make your cut eyes look dramatic, respectively, and dark shadows make them look smaller. Therefore, it is better to use natural and light colored shades. They make your eyes pop, and you look young. Also, widening your eyes makes them the center of your face. This attention will go away from your wrinkles and fine lines.
9. That whip
Yes! Don't forget to play with these whips! Curl them with an eyelash curler. This is the best way to make your eyes pop. And if you know how to play with false eyelashes, no one can stop you from killing. Another great hack is to heat the curler using a blow dryer for just 3 seconds and then use it. This will make it easier for you to scalp your eyelids without any hassle.
10. Fall in love with black mascara
Black mascara brightens the whiteness of your eyes and deepens your wrinkles. Another good idea is to use a tinted primer. This will deepen your eyes. Also, if possible, buy a good whipping serum. With age, eyelashes tend to get thinner. Serum will make them less likely to break down.
11. Use a pencil liner
Liquid eyeliners can be very hard on your skin. Instead, switch to pencil liner. Draw soft lines using it. You can even remove the line using a brush.
12. Don't forget the underarm area
Andre puffins and dark circles are the two biggest complaints among women over the age of 50. An undergarment cream to treat puffiness, and a color correction to hide dark circles. First apply a color correction and then a layer of foundation.
13. Play with your features
If you are into makeup, you know what contouring is. That's fifty.
14. Keep your bow
Well-defined eyebrows look young. It is as if you have undergone felt-lift surgery without going under the knife. However, don't push your bad back easily because they don't move easily. Here are some tips to get these perfect browns:
Use the browse pencil to highlight your eyebrows. Use a mascara stick to brush them. The best way to do this is to clean your mascara brush and spray some hair spray on your hair before you clean it.
Developed browsers are hard numbers. Pencil thin lines drawn on bare skin look fake. Instead, fill in your narrow browsers.
Avoid overplocking your browsing by a professional. Also, avoid shiny gray hair. Instead, use brown powder to hide.
15. Light up!
If you think that illuminators are only for young women then you are wrong. A straight light or light maker can lift your face without any makeup. Highlight your favorite places - the jaw line, the tip of the nose, the temples, or the apple on your cheek. You can use brightening lotions, creams and pens to brighten your face.
16. Stay close to being natural
When you are over 50, it will be much less. Don't just pile on too many products. Heavy lipstick, foundation layers, eyeliner. Too much make-up will ruin the beauty of your face. Keep it natural and light.
17. Mix well
It doesn't matter what you put on your face, mix it well. In most cases, people make mistakes when it comes to makeup because they do not have the patience to mix well. Make sure there are no traces of foundation on your cheeks. Lipstick should not make your lips look like they are bleeding, and your face should not look like they are painted on your face. Apply a little at a time and mix well.
18. Don't forget your teeth
Now, you may be wondering what your teeth have to do with makeup. But, just like your skin, your teeth can reflect your age. Keep them in good condition and avoid too much caffeine and red wine to keep them white. Use over the counter to keep your teeth white. If they are helped or in bad shape, fix them.
19. Let go of sleep
A good night's sleep is what you need to make a difference in your skin. Lack of sleep makes it look dull and lifeless and creates dark circles and parasites around your eyes.
20. Smile!
Because this is the best makeup! If you are not happy inside, no amount of make-up can make you beautiful. If you work on your inner self and be happy inside, it will automatically reflect on your face.