How to Get Rid of Yellow Teeth-7 natural options for getting rid of yellow teeth
Changes in the color of your teeth may be subtle and gradual. Some yellow may be indispensable.
The teeth look more yellow or black, especially during your age. When the outer enamel is away, the yellow dentin is more visible at the bottom. Denton is the second layer of calcified tissue beneath the enamel layer outside.
If you want to whiten your teeth, you have alternatives to traditional methods.
Please be careful with white at home as it may harm your teeth if the product is being used incorrectly or for too long. You can take off your enamel too much, which can put you at risk for sensitivity and cavity.
Remedies for yellow teeth
Here are 7 natural options for getting rid of yellow teeth.
It may be best to select a few treatments and rotate them throughout the week. Some of the suggestions below do not have the research to support them, but they have been found to be useful through Kasan's reports.
Experiment to find a solution that works for you.
1. Brushing your teeth
Your first plan of action is to brush your teeth as much as possible and properly. It is especially important that you brush after using foods and drinks that can cause tooth decay.
However, acidic foods and beverages immediately. Be careful of brushing afterwards. Immediately after brushing the acid brushes off and the enamel is removed and eroded.
Clean your teeth at least twice a day for 2 minutes at a time. Make sure you enter all the cracks and rocks. Brush your teeth gently in a circular motion to ensure that you are protecting your gums. Brush your teeth inside, out, and chewing surfaces.
Brushing white toothpaste has also been scientifically shown to make your smile white. These whitened toothpaste have a mild abrasive that cleans the teeth to remove surface stains, but are gentle enough to stay safe.
The use of electric toothbrushes can be more effective in removing surface stains.
Plaque made from baking soda and hydrogen peroxide paste is said to remove plaque buildup and bacteria to get rid of stains.
Mix 1 tablespoon baking soda with 2 tablespoons hydrogen peroxide and paste. After brushing with this paste, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water. You can also use the same proportion of ingredients to make a mouth wash. Or, you can try baking soda with water.
Baking soda toothpaste also concluded that they are effective and safe to remove tooth stains and white teeth and can be used daily.
3. Coconut oil pulling
Coconut oil extract is said to remove plaque and bacteria from the mouth, which helps to whiten teeth. Always buy high quality, organic oils that you can buy online, which do not contain harmful ingredients.
Put 1 to 2 teaspoons of liquid coconut oil in your mouth for 10 to 30 minutes. Do not let the oil behind your throat. Do not swallow the oil as it contains toxins and bacteria from your mouth.
Spit it in the toilet or trash bin, as it can prevent drains. Wash your mouth with water and then drink a full glass of water. Then brush your teeth.
There are no specific studies that confirm the effect of tooth extraction.
4. Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar can be used in small amounts to whiten teeth.
Mix 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar with 6 ounces of water and make a mouth wash. Swish the solution up to 30 seconds. Then rinse with water and brush your teeth.
Shop for apple cider vinegar.
However, it should be noted that there is a potential for damage to the tooth and surface texture. Therefore, use it with caution, and only for a short time. More human studies are needed to broaden these findings.
5. Lemon, orange, or banana peel
Some people claim that sprinkling lemons, oranges, or banana peels on their teeth turns white. It is thought that compound d-limonene and / or citric acid, which are found in some citrus fruit peels, will help to whiten your teeth.
Rub the fruit peel gently on your teeth for about 2 minutes. Make sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly and then brush your teeth.
People who brushed toothpaste containing de limonin twice daily for 4 weeks combined with a white color formula, significantly reduced the smokers' stains, although for a long time they smoked. Smoking stains or tea stains did not go away.
Be careful when using this strategy because it contains fruit acids. The acid breaks down and can drain your enamel. If you find that your teeth are becoming too sensitive, please stop using this method.
6. Activated charcoal
You should be use activated charcoal to remove stains from your teeth. It is believed that charcoal can remove glands and stains from your teeth as it is highly absorbent. It is said to also get rid of bacteria and toxins in the mouth.
There are toothpaste containing activated charcoal and they claim to whiten teeth.
Open the activated charcoal capsule and place the contents on your toothbrush. Brush your teeth gently using small circles for 2 minutes. Be especially careful in the area around your gums as this can be abrasive. Then spit it out. Do not brush too aggressively.
If your teeth are sensitive or you want to limit the roughness of charcoal, you can spray it on your teeth. Let it stay for 2 minutes.
You can also mix activated charcoal with a small amount of water to make a mouth wash. Swish the solution for 2 minutes and then spit it out. After using activated charcoal, rinse your mouth thoroughly with water.
If you wear too much enamel, most of the yellow dentin below will be exposed. Be cautious when using charcoal and charcoal-based dentaphrics, especially because of the lack of evidence to prove its effectiveness and safety.
7. Eat fruits and vegetables with high water content
It is said that eating raw fruits and vegetables with high amounts of water can keep your teeth healthy. Water ingredients are thought to clean your teeth and plaque and the gums of bacteria that cause yellow teeth.
Chewing crushed fruits and vegetables at the end of a meal can increase saliva production. This can help to remove trapped food particles and eliminate harmful acids in your teeth.
Although there is no doubt that a diet high in fruits and vegetables is good for your teeth and overall health, there is not a lot of scientific evidence that supports these claims. That said, eating healthy foods throughout the day will definitely not hurt.
What is the reason for tooth yellowing?
Teeth can be yellow:
- Some foods or drinks, such as blueberry, red wine, coffee, or tea
- A diet high in sugar and simple carbohydrates
- Smoking or smoking
- Side effects of some medications and mouth wash
- Age, since the elderly are more likely to have toothache
- Genetics
- Mouth trauma
- Excessive fluoride consumption
- Dental care and oral hygiene
- Chronic dry mouth or a lack of saliva
Bottom line
There are many options at home that you can try to whiten your teeth.
However, be careful because you can damage your enamel or gums, which can lead to sensitivity and cavities. The best way to whiten your teeth is to prevent stains before they occur, continue to practice good oral hygiene, and have regular dental checkups.
If you have tried these methods successfully, your dentist can help you determine which other treatment option may be a better option.